News- and Blogwatch

Some interesting posts to read over your morning coffee. Warning! Coffee might get bitter over most of them…

France’s leaning towards a ‘burqa ban’ is already showing some results, perhaps a bit different from what the politicians had anticipated.

Sad but true: Not all women are peace-loving creatures who can do no wrong. We are just as susceptible to ideology, no matter how cruel and inhuman, as any other human being.

On to a more contemporary regime of cruelty: Uzbekistan and the secret terror of forced sterilization.

The trouble with ‘Fast Fashion’.

10 Things That Feminism Could Do Better. One thing feminism is already quite good at: self-criticism. Maybe Sarah Palin, self-proclaimed ‘feminist’, should look into that…

…before she continues claiming to fight for women. Yeah, these all-white middle-class ladies sure look like they have it really bad…:

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